Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day

Tomorrow I scan my first patients at work. Applications, which are basically training sessions taught by the equipment manufacturer, begin tomorrow morning. I'm really nervous. I don't know why I'm stressing so much, but I am. It'd help to get a good nights sleep tonight, but I was dumb an took an hour nap earlier today. So....

Instead I made brownies for Tom to take to work, went grocery shopping with Clara, I'm catching up on some TV, and researching recipes....If it helps calm me, I figure it's good. Plus I'm trying really hard not to stress eat! Difficult!!


We still need to do our taxes. I've almost completed them, I just need a little more info. I HAVE To remember to call the Montessori school tomorrow to get our total paid last year. The person who can tell me that is only there from 845-3....and I, of course, am at work that whole time...So good luck for me ;-)

I drew up a plan to pay off all of our credit card debit in the next 3.5 years. Hopefully faster once I tweak the high interest stuff around. I will feel so much better about life in general, once we can out from under that crap. After that we can work on the student loans. This all could change depending on if I apply for an get into the PA program, or if I decide to go to school more than the 1/2-2/3 time I am right now.

I've been enjoying the business admin classes I'm taking. This term I'm taking macroeconomics, and business management principles. I only have 3 other classes I can take at Chemeketa, so I need to figure out what to do next. If I want to do the PA thing, I need to do some job shadowing--ya know, in my spare time...If I'm not going to apply for that this year, then I'm going to need to figure out which school I want to transfer to, to work on a 4 year degree in business admin and/or health care admin. That's usually a masters program though....

All things to think about, and make me not so nervous about tomorrow :-)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Good luck! I think you'll do fabulously! I made some no bake cookies this weekend instead of what I had to do. Yummy for emergency dessert cooking!


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