Tuesday, November 08, 2005

1/2 way over

This week that is. Yesterday I had a written positioning test. It was 100 questions, and I swear they repeated or asked the same questions 2 or 3 different ways, multiple times. Very odd. I guess all the questions were pulled from the registry test question pool. It was good to see what to expect, especially because they were quite different than the types of questions we've had so far on our quizzes. I did alright, I'm thinking I got in the B range. We got a copy of the test, but I haven't had a chance to go and check all of my answers yet. I don't know if I will before we get the results back on Thursday.

Today I had an A&P test over the digestive tract. It went better than expected, I think. I don't want to jinx myself though ;) When I looked over the answer key, I think I did pretty well. My guessing was good, and I think I did well on 2 of the 3 essays, and okay on the 3rd.

I also had my positioning practical test today. I was feeling okay about it, especially after I did okay in A&P. But shit, the moment I walked in the door, a stream of criers came out from doing it. FOUR girls in a row cried because they fucked up. Then I got stressed. And of course I was 2nd to last, so time was just dragging. I ended up pulling 'good' views (no dorsal decubitis, or laterl scapular views ;), scaphoid views on the wrist, and forearm. I got 188/200!!! I only lost points for not angling the central ray for one wrist view, and using the wrong KVP for the forearms, then missed 2 anatomy questions. That means I could have missed 18 on the written and still gotten a 90% overall.

Tomorrow I have a physics exam at 8am, then a quiz at some point after that. Then I'll have an A&P quiz over the urinary tract after that. Thursday I have a quiz over the scapula and clavicle, and then my week is over--YAY!!!

I swear I'll talk about the kids again some time, hopefully tomorrow I'll have a chance. I gotta go to bed now, I want atleast 5 hours of sleep tonight ;)

1 comment:

mamatulip said...

How'd your test go today Mary?

Way to go on your other kickass marks. :)


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