Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Seriously. WTF?!?!?

Since when does Target not carry ANY fisher price toys? The only ones they had were the games/leap pad type crap and then bigger kid stuff. No Little People, No Rescue Heros, No baby toys. The person I tracked down said they recently reset the toy area and maybe they didn't get to that row yet. Okay so where the heck are they? Did they take them ALL to the back? He wasn't helpful at all. So now I still have to track down a little people set with cars. Great.

Thought I DID find 2 tank tops, one was 1.98 and one was 2.98. And some shorts for $10. So I guess it was okay.


Emily said...

OK, my sister(who is a hardlines manager at a Target) says your Target people screwed the goose...there should be all those FP toys still, in fact they should be in the process of resetting for Christmas(already?!) so the toy area should be increasing, not decreasing...
Not that this helps you NOW! lol
(but I try)

Mary said...

Well thank God it wasn't MY target, I would have cried. Luckily for me, Kim took me to a different super cool 3 story target the next day, and they hadn't screwed up the toy department. So we found lots of fun toddler toys! Good to know it wasn't just me, and it was just that target was messed up :)


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