Friday, August 12, 2005

Home sweet home

Everyone was sound asleep when I got home. Until I had to call Tom on his cell to get him to come unlock the front door for me. I had forgotten that I didn't have a set of keys. But that's okay, I would have woken him up right away anyways. I went in to kiss Jake and Clara, 1/2 hoping one of them would wake up, but they didn't. I'm impressed that the house isn't trashed. Granted the kids were only here thru Saturday night, then from about 5pm tonight. But I am aware of how quickly they can trash a room, and from 5-9 tonight they could have. I'm guessing Tom actually cleaned up after he got them to sleep. Now only if he could do this every night, or atleast every time he wanted to get laid, we'd be set.

I feel like today has been going on forever. And I've only been up for about 20 hours now. I'm just too hopped up to sleep. I've been home for a little over an hour, but I feel wide awake. I think I might just go try to read in bed. I'm sure I'll be snoring before I even open my book. (She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb) I finished reading P.S I Love You on the metro this afternoon, and I only have about 1/4 of SCU to finish. It happens EVERY time I go to DC, kids or not. I start reading and I can't stop. I'm guessing once I finish this one, I won't be reading for awhile though. I never seem to find time to read at home. Kim suggested I join a book club, so I'm either going to hunt one down that isn't comprised of old ladies, or maybe start my own. We'll see. I tried doing an online one, but failed miserably. Plus I can always use an excuse to have more girls' nights' out.

The community college schedule came in the mail while I was gone. On Tuesday I'm going to sign up for A&P III plus a psych class just in case I don't get in to THE program. Is it sad that I don't even give a flying fuck anymore what happens? I DO care, but I just hate this feeling of uncertainty, and even though I'd be happy to get accepted the day before the program starts, it would still piss me off beyond belief that I had planned for and scheduled something else, only to have it change radically at the last moment. Wow that was a long sentence. I love rambling.

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