Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's official

I took the other job. I start March 8th. CT applications aren't until April 12th, so I have a month to write (okay I'm taking it from my current job at the instance of my boss) a CT policies and procedures manual, figure out protocols and scheduling stuff, and make sure we have everything in place ready to go (call lights, a crash cart, contrast warmer, contrast brands, supplies ect).

I also have to do x-ray. Blah. Not the worst thing ever, but I HATE film x-rays. Yeah it's more of an art form, you can be proud of your work blah blah blah. But it is time consuming, can't fix your mistakes without re-irradiating the patient, and includes SO MUCH FUCKING busy work.

Pull the jackets, find the jackets, order the jackets, make new jackets, send the films out, file the films back, look for lost jackets, put stickers on the jackets, ect ect ect.

I'm hoping once CT is up and running, I can talk them into switching to DR(direct radiography) or atleast CR(computed radiography) x-rays. It's a nice thought anyway...

I'm excited about the opportunity, but still a bit nervous. Really hope I made the right decision...


Amber said...

That is so exciting. I have no idea what half the things are you were talking about, but a new challenge is always fun. It keeps your brain fresh!

colorchic said...

Mary I can't imagine anyone better for this new job, you will do great! And I agree with Amber, a challenge is always a good thing!

Mary said...

Thanks Amber and Julie! I'm really excited, but nervous at the same time. Change does that I suppose :-)


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