Sunday, May 03, 2009

(peeking out) Hellooooooooo

Still alive. Still busy. T-ball, AA baseball, making a quilt, making stained glass stepping stones, bake sale stuff, gymnastics, ballet, trying to keep the house decent.

I don't see things slowing down.

So to make it more fun, I'm applying for another on-call job as my 2 side jobs haven't had anything in ages due to cut backs. But since Tom's work future is unknown until May 11 (when GM announces which dealerships it wants to cut), it'd be nice to have something else to fall back on. I figure I can handle working 60 hours a week for a few months if I HAVE to.

So that's it for now folks! Once I have something fun to post, I will. I'll try to take some pictures this week to post.

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