Sunday, February 01, 2009

February already!

Crazy stuff.

Nothing too exciting going on these days. We signed the kids up for little league, then did some cleaning. Yesterday my parents and brother came over to celebrate my brothers birthday. We had roast chicken and scalloped taters with a HUGE chocolate cake from costco. Gluttony, no?

Today was pretty laid back. I got to sleep in, and woke up to the noise of the dishwasher. What is that? Tom did the dishes at 9am on a Sunday? What is the world coming to? I went and saw the Curious Case of Benjamin Button with my friend Jamie. It was a long movie, and while interesting, I kept getting a little bored.

Afterward I thought I'd run to WINCO to get some groceries, I mistakenly figured no one would be there due to the superbowl. Wrong. It was crazy. I tried to make it a quick trip. Watched the end of the 2nd quarter and second half of the game with Tom and the kids.

Now everyone is asleep, the dishwasher is running again, the laundry is being done, and the house isn't completely trashed. I'd say it was a fine weekend.

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