Monday, August 11, 2008

Where has the summer gone?

Well we survived the fair yesterday. And NO food products were purchased! Amazing. I did drink the 3 cans of diet coke I took, and the kids had some juice boxes, but no high priced food or beverage purchases for us! hehehe

Today the kids had their drawing class at 10. We stopped by my parents house on the way to say our goodbyes to Mike and Margo. This is a conversation that Margo and Clara had while sitting on the bed in the guest room where Gina, Claire and Margo spent most of the 3 months leading up to Gina's death last summer.

Clara: I miss Auntie Gina (Margo's mom).

Margo (in her cute british accent): Your auntie Gina died, she's in heaven. She was cancelled.

Clara: (nodding)

me: What did ya say Margo?

Margo: My mommy was cancelled

me: You mean she had cancer?

Margo: Yes. Her hair feel out in the bath, and then it was spikey. I kissed her nose, it was sweet.

And then we talked a bit about cancer, and that we all miss Gina. This was the first that Margo had even talked about Gina since being here. She has Asperger's Syndrome, and it was still defintly apparent. I really wish they were closer so we could be more supportive for them.

While the kids were in their drawing class I went to Target and Michael's. Spent too much at both, but got school clothes stuff for the kids, and some things I NEEDED at Michael's. Then we picked up Amanda and went to Craft Warehouse where I got MORE things that I NEEDED. I got this pattern to make some of these cushions for the kids room. But I was good and didn't buy any fabric, I need to go over my stash to see if I have stuff I can use. See, responsible shopping...

I got a HUGE box from our CSA tonight. Thank God my parents share with us, there is no way we could eat all of this before next Monday. 7 zucchini, 2 summer squash, 2 cukes, bag of mixed greens, basil, 5ish lbs of red potatos, a bunch of leeks, a bag of beans, and something else I'm forgetting....

So I made up a couple of loafs of zucchini bread, and I'm going to figure out how to freeze zucchini. I've never tried before. Anyone have any suggestions?

I received the huge box of books from usborne. I signed my mom up to sell them. But really she only has to sell (or buy) $85 worth of books in the next 3 months to keep the 33 from the kit. It works out to be a REALLY good deal. My kids are book hounds, and Jake eats up all the science/discovery type books.

So that was our day. Tomorrow we're going to a park in the morning before it gets too hot, and then I'm going to atleast spot scrub the kitchen and dining room floors, and totally scrub the bathroom floors. All because of Amber.

Weeds starts in 13 minutes, then it's time for bed.

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