Saturday, July 28, 2007


I just killed the biggest fucking spider I've ever seen in my entire life! I don't usually kill spiders, I relocate them. But this fucker ran across the floor about 10 feet away from me and caught the corner of my vision...

Of course Tom was gone, so the only tools I had were one of my flip flops and a phone book. I had to stun it with the shoe then drop the phone book. And I did it ALL with out screaming. Which is good, considering it is midnight and the kids are sleeping... But then Tom came home and threw it away before I could figure out what kind it was....

According to various websites there are only a few bad spiders in Oregon, the brown recluse, black widow, and hobo spider. No idea which it was, but I know it wasn't a black widow. I've just NEVER seen a spider that large, like 1.5-2" in diameter but not with skinny little legs like a daddy long legs, the thicker ones...


oh and I decided to stay at SIL, and my old boss was fine with that. he understood it, and I'm still on the top of this list for future employment...


Di said...

Seriously, if that were me, I might have to move. I am not scared of much, but spiders do me in. I once woke my dad up at 2 am to come kill what turned out to be a little ball of yarn. haha I don't even want to get close enough to make sure. Now, I make my son kill them all for me!

Watch your back!

Chelle Y. said...

I hate spiders! I shudder thinking about them. :)


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