Saturday, May 20, 2006


Jen killed my legs today. We only worked out for about 30 minutes because I got caught in a traffic accident, but in those 30 minutes she still made it so I shake if I even think about trying to squat down. Thanks alot Jen! hehehe

I'm going to Applebee's with some friends in a little bit. I'm going to try so hard to not eat crap. They do have a weight watchers menu, but it's more $$ than their other items, plus not all that appitizing. My goal will be to not get/eat anything fried. I know I can do it ;)

Tomorrow we are going here . It was Jake's idea. We passed by all of the iris fields coming home from Portland this afternoon, and wants to go see them. He wanted to go to the rides/fun center of the iris festival even more, but I can't handle that stress ;) Over priced rides, bunches of people, and even though it's been sunny, I'm sure there will be alot of mud. Always fun, eh?

Tom did this bike ride today. We're still waiting for him to get home--it's almost 9pm and he left the house at 530am. As soon as he's home, I'm leaving ;) I've decided that on the days he has all of his rides scheduled this summer, I'll just go fun places with the kids. Then I won't get bored at home, and I'll take lots of pictures and make him jealous, so that next year, he won't want to spend all of his fucking free time riding.

Aaahhh I hear him pulling in, I'm outta here!


Shanna said...

ooh! you should have come to the UFO festival!

Mary said...

Well if I had known it was the UFO festival before I made plans, then I would have ;)


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