Sunday, February 19, 2006


I ate WAY too much cashew butter with pretzels dipped in it. So yummy. Now my tummy hurts.

It was nice and sunny (and fucking cold) today. We spent a couple of hours at the park, and I gotta say, Jake kicks ass at hitting tennis balls with a plastic bat. I was very impressed with his eye to hand coordination. Too bad he can't play t-ball til next year. Damn rules.

We are going to look in to starting him in karate. They offer it for only $30 a month thru the YMCA and it meets once a week. The 2 main problems with the other programs we looked in to were the $100 price tag a month, plus meeting twice a week. We don't have enough time for that.

I also started looking in to dance programs for Clara, but I doubt we'll persue anything until the fall. She's loving music class, and again no time or money to add another class.

Tomorrow we're going to see Carrie for a bit, and then going to see Tom's stepmom and her mom. Looking forward to seeing Carrie and the kiddos in the morning. Going to need wrangling vibes to keep the kids under wraps at a nursing home....wish me luck :)

Grey's Anatomy was pretty good. The ending was very very akward. Like I commented to Allison, we knew Grey was a slut and would sleep with anyone, George only needed to ask. I wonder if Addison is going to go back to NY?


Emily said...

Someone other than me eats cashew butter? LOL

Ooo! Tell us all about yor visit to Carrie!

Tink said...

Karate always sounded like fun. Fun for the parents too because you're basically paying someone to wear the munchkins out. GA pissed me off last night. Poor George.

Mary said...

We want some warm weather!!

Yes Emily I love cashew and almond butter. It's dangerous to keep in our house. My ass doesn't need it.

Tink Jake would LOVE to do karate, we just need to get it figured out. Hopefuly we can soon, esp. if this YMCA thing will work.


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