Thursday, November 03, 2005

What a fun weekend planned.

I have 4 exams next week, any guesses on what I plan on doing all weekend?? I was relieved to find out that there are no x-ray anatomy id's on the test, we all still suck at those. We also got our offical grades up to this point. I have a 95% in chest and ab positioning, and a 95% in extremity positioning. I also have a 95% in principles of exposure (a mix physics and electronics class), an 88% in the 'easy A class' ;), the 88.5% in physics, and a whopping 80% in anatomy and physiology. Aren't you all so excited for me?!?!

I'm kinda bummed about our schedule for next term. The good news is it's still 4 days a week instead of 5, and of course I'll be elated to not be taking an extra class like I am right now. I'll have more free time since I'm taking 4 less credits. The shitty part is the fact I am changing labs. They did a little re-arranging, and to be 'nice' to me, they switched me to the lab with all the Salem students. Only 1 other person is switching in there from my current lab, and it happens to be the chick I don't like that much. She's kind of snotty, and pretty annoying, and really looks down at me. And if she doesn't truely look down at me, she talks in tones like she does. It really fucking pisses me off. Can you tell she was my lab partner today? I have this unfailing problem with trying to make people like me. Since it's apparent she doesn't like me, I feel like I'm kissing her ass or something, just to make her see what a bitch she really is. Or how weak I actually am.

She really rubbed me the wrong way today when I said I'd never done a job shadow before for x-ray techs. Her response "Well how in the world would you know that's the field you want to be in?" with total exasperation. The real reason is because I know I wanted to be in the medical field, but not a nurse, and not just in admin/clerical type stuff. This was really the only other option I could get schooling at locally, other than to be like a pharmacy tech. I researched it quite a bit online, and then just jumped in with both feet, really not knowing AT ALL what to expect. I was kind of shocked by September's response and made up something about helping out alot in the radiation therapy dept. when I worked at the hospital. Which was BS by the way--the closest I got to them was waiting in the waiting room while my mom was getting her radiation treatments, and sharing the breakroom with the peeps from there while on the job. So shut up September, I think I have better grades than you in all 5 classes plus I'm taking an extra class. So shove it.

Bailey has been peeing in Jake's room. Well atleast once anyways. She did this a couple of time 6 or 7 months ago. So that's my other project for tomorrow, clean up all the shit under the bed, purge toys, rent a steam cleaner, and go to town. I plan on getting rid a ton of toys, and to distract Jake and Clara from that fact, I plan on giving them some toys I bought early. Clara's is a set of little tykes dishes for their kitchen, and Jake's is a BC builder's playset.

I know I haven't even bitched about Tom at all lately, but I'd like to give him props for not getting pissed off at me for sleeping from 645-9pm last night. AND AND AND while I was asleep, he did the dishes, finished cooking dinner, and for the most part kept the kids out of the bedroom. I rarely take naps, so that was nice. It was a bad idea since I was up til 2, but when I woke up at 715, I felt fine.

I feel all disjointed and rambly in my post today. Oh well, it's a good thing I'm only writing it for me ;)


mamatulip said...

Dude, congrats on your kickass marks! You rock. :)

Sorry you have to deal with someone who you feel looks down on you. I hate that feeling. Tell her to stick it.

Hope your pooch stops peeing in Jake's room.

Lisa said...

OMG, seriously, you know another person named September. I had never heard that as a name before the board.

And, congrats on your good grades.

Mary said...

Thank Kath and Lisa :)

And Lisa this September at first reminded me of September only at first, and not after I started talking to her. She dresses very nicely, always has heels on ect, but she's just not nice. There's really only one clique-y type group, and she of course is in it.


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